Publicerad 2013-07-22 21:19:54 i Toronto, Canada,
The summer is here (and almost over) but not yet! So far it's been amazing, have been so busy but so much fun! Met some new awesome people, and also spent quality time with my loved ones.
Would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have been so supportive over the last couple of months. Everything is more then fine, it's great. Me and my family couldn't have done this without you. Thank you ❤

Publicerad 2013-05-08 23:30:33 i Toronto, Canada,
Life put you through ups and downs, lately it has been a lot of downs. That for, less blogg time.
But things are getting better and my positivity grows and is getting back to normal, you can say that I'm getting back to the normal me ;)
Since my last update I've done a lot for example - Stockholm, Gothenburg, Roadtrip and the most important quality time with my family. Here you have it in pictures.

Beautiful Fia in a beautiful Stockholm
Sister came home to celebrate her 20th birthday!

Mampa <3
Anna Berger came home from her World trip, Me, Janie and Olivia wrote her a love song!

Burger and I went to Gbg for the Chalmers parade and to party!

This is what you get for texting on your phone when sis wants to play with you.

An amazing view from Smörkull

Walking around Grimsholmen, Love the westcoast
This weekend me and padde went on a MC-roadtrip - Torekov, Båstad, Mölle, Nimis and Höganäs!
As I wrote, Life goes on. And I must say Sweden is gorgeous!
No matter what happens there's always a way to get back up, Keep fighting.
Publicerad 2013-03-07 15:27:58 i
Hi how are you?!
So I'm in Sweden now, been here for 3 weeks already.. Had to go home so here I am in beautiful Falkenberg with my family and friends.
Have no idea how long I'll be here for, waiting for my visa to be approved.
Enjoying Sweden as much as possible <3

Publicerad 2013-02-11 21:01:47 i
Had the best day. After Becky was done working we decided to build an aroma snowman on our patio.
Kids were passing us and decided to help also ended up with a snow fight haha we literally acted like big kids.
The snowman turned out amazing and we got so many compliments on it! The weather was amazing so when we were done we room out two chairs and sat beside it for a bit while people admire it ;). Haha

Publicerad 2013-02-11 05:18:00 i
Had a wonderful day with wonderful friends. Made breakfast together, baked a birthday cake with bowling candles, went swimming and took photos on our balcony with our bathing suits in the snowstorm.

Publicerad 2013-02-05 03:57:00 i
Been to two birthday parties, drove to Kitchener and stayed at Becky's grandmother for a night, had all u can eat sushi for the first time (amazing), Super Bowl potluck party. Me and Becky went all in with our face painted.
Had a rough couple of days so Becky bought me flowers, wine, crackers, cheese, parma ham and a cupcake, what a nice roommate :).

Publicerad 2013-01-29 21:51:00 i
Got more pictures from when we were at the beach. Love these photos, such a great day.

edited this picture and gave it some words of wisdom ;)

my Bucky and I, there's never a doll moment with her
Publicerad 2013-01-28 16:45:00 i
Time flies that's for sure. I have to say I really am lucky to have the opportunity to live here in a different country, amazing friends, apartment, job etc, just hope everything goes the way I want to.
Been eating lots, drinking different Canadians drinks and beer, watched hockey.. Yeah puh been busy.
Here are some random photos from a couple days ago.

Publicerad 2013-01-25 18:40:00 i
Sightseeing Toronto.
Went up the CN Tower, a lot of walking around and went to the beer brewery.
But the last couple of days it's been so cold here that we have walked for like 10min and then gone inside to warm up our hands and feet!

Publicerad 2013-01-22 16:29:24 i
What a wonderful and cold day, brrrr!
Started up w brunch at a place called school, had blueberry pancakes w whoop cream and syrup.
Drove to the Toronto beaches in the east, so pretty!
Later that night we baked the the last of our gingerbread haha and watched a movie

Publicerad 2013-01-20 03:02:03 i
Love blue mountain. Everyone was so friendly and the mountains where good. Hope I'll go there soon again since its so close to Toronto.

Publicerad 2013-01-19 02:34:01 i
Finally got to ski!!
Went to blue mountain in north Ontario for 3 days. Had such a great time, didn't fell at all and felt so good to be back on my skis. The weather was amazing. Not to crowded either which made it possible to ski even more w no lines for the lifts.

Publicerad 2013-01-19 02:16:00 i
We decided to through a party. Invited our 15 closes friends and had such a nice time! The tequila gun came out and yeah look for yourself on the pics how it looked like haha.

Publicerad 2013-01-09 21:50:00 i
Okay, dags att berätta hur situationen ligger här borta för mig i Kanada. Lättare att ta det på svenska denna gång.
Jag är här på ett Work&Holiday visa, vilket betyder att jag kan jobba här i ett år(vilket jag nu har gjort, crazy). I allafall, jag vill stanna och har de mest underbara chefer man kan ha. I mitt case är det svårt att få ett Work permit vilket jag behöver för att stanna. Så mina chefer har anlitat en advokat för mig och processen är nu igång, jag vet ingenting hur allt detta kommer sluta. Under processens tid så får jag inte jobba eftersom mitt nuvarande visum inte längre är godkänt. Som tur är får jag svenskt besök på fredag och vi ska upp till Montreal och åka skidor! Så får se detta som en lång semester :).
I slutändan så kan det sluta med att jag får visumet i handen och kan skriva på ett kontrakt under ett år här borta, eller kan det sluta med att jag blir deported från Kanada och måste lämna mitt hem och jobb här. Så allt jag kan göra nu är att Hoppas!
Stay positive :)
Publicerad 2013-01-07 02:16:00 i
A couple of days ago 4 people and myself cooked dinner for 15 people at a going away party. It was fish and chicken tacos that was served. Met a lot of funny people and had a blast.

Publicerad 2013-01-02 23:21:00 i
Here we go! This year has been amazing, here is this year in photos:
Started the year w vacation in Hwaii with my Sis and Anna <3

Took my bags and moved to Toronto
Met Anna, Kalle and Nathalie in Vegas, for partying!

Went home to Sweden for the summer?
My sister graduated <3
My lovely family<3
Party at fam.Andersson

Midsummer and camping w family

Took the train to Sthlm to my Anna and Rondellhundsfabriken<3

Bellas birthday!

Many great nights w amazing people.

Photoshoot at the beach w Fia and Carro

Hard work work

Went spa w sis<3

Skrea Strand

Party party

Went to malmo w the girls :)

Surprised Sofia in LA, Cali!! <3

Flue back to San Francisco w Anna<3

Moved back to Toronto

Moved in w Becky in our apartment!!

Thank you for a great year! Hope that 2013 will be as good!
Publicerad 2013-01-02 22:43:55 i
This New Years I was actually working. An event hired us to be their catering. So it was me and my bosses and 200 people. The event was a midnight run, so when the clock strike 00:00 the people started their run (5km) and then finished at our store w food and drinks. I had a nice night and toasted in the new year w my bosses.
Happy New year everyone!

Publicerad 2012-12-30 16:37:00 i
What a productive day! Was going to drill my curtain pole up but that didn't work.. had the wrong drill thing.. So was really creative and used garn haha happy they're up! But stay calm I'm gonna fix it another day.
Becky bought me a world map for christmas made of cork board, so put it on my wall and the 15 map pins where I've been in the world! So excited, Love it!! My room is so cozy now, and it's snowing outside.
Me and Becky just ordered pizza and drinking Baileys :)

Publicerad 2012-12-26 15:28:00 i
Three days of Christmas!
First on Sunday me and Becky had our own Christmas. Fancy dinner, exchanged presents and watched Christmas movies. December 24th, I went to Becky's family and celebrated w them (half Danishes half Canadians) so had meatballs, rise pudding, glogg and gingerbread, so felt kind of like home.
December 25th, the Canadian Christmas, woke up and opened presents at Becky's moms, had breakfast, went to the movies and had Christmas dinner at night.
I have the best family and friends, love you all so much. You inspire me to fight, follow my dreams and I miss you so much but you give me so much energy and that's what keeps me going

Publicerad 2012-12-16 02:17:18 i
The Christmas decorations are everywhere, especially at the Eaton Centre (Toronto's biggest shopping mall). The mall is packed with people though..! Everyone is running around and the lines were crazy.
Yesterday night me and two friends went to a friends art show. Very nice, but went home earlier cuz of work the next day. Work is going good now, have done a bunch of marketing for the store and we received good response from it so that makes me and the bosses very happy ;).

Publicerad 2012-12-15 00:12:00 i
Been so busy lately.
Aroma Christmas party took place this Tuesday! (All the aromas=13 locations gathered) had a blast. Don't have any good photos but they're coming, we had a photographer who walked around and took a bunch so getting them soon ;). But here's from our preparty at the Thompson rooftop (the pic of the CN tower), and our Christmas wall that Becky decorated, can you tell she loves Christmas..? Haha

Publicerad 2012-12-11 16:29:04 i
Since they don't drink glogg or celebrate advent here, I decided to give Becky the Swedish experience what we do every Sunday before Christmas.
We went to Ikea, had dinner and shopped both food and some decorations to our apartment.
Got home lit the candle (I sung the advent song haha) listened to Swedish Christmas songs and made gingerbread. I heated up the Glogg and told her to dip the gingerbread in it, She loved it! Later we also tried it with some red wine in it, really good too.
God Bless Ikea <3

Publicerad 2012-12-04 15:37:00 i
Jonathan's birthday was this weekend so me and Becky made him a surprise dinner with his best friend.
Cooked steak, mashed potatoes, asparagus, cake and had cheese, some pepperoni with crackers and wine. So delicious!
Our friend made the cake and we helped he decorate it ;).

Publicerad 2012-11-28 16:36:00 i
Ohh, last night we had our own little secret Santa and Christmas party at our Aroma store. Everyone brought food, drinks and of course a present to their secret person. We all love each others company and that's why I love my job here. We are all from different part of this world, Sweden, Ukraine, Sri Lanka, Israel, Canada mm, and it's amazing how much you can learn! We had an amazing time together last night and more will come!

Publicerad 2012-11-25 13:33:00 i
Girls night and craft night. We made different Christmas cards (Christmas so soon?!) we had a lot of fun, but the mess of glitter, paper and glue was everywhere. Then we finished with some hot chocolate.
Va tycks?

Publicerad 2012-11-12 19:42:43 i
This Saturday me and Becky had our housewarming party. Becky had invited way too many people but lucky most of them came and said hi and then left hehe. It was a very successful party, we had a lot of fun!
Worse was the day after when both me and Becky started work at 7am.. Opsi.

Publicerad 2012-11-07 23:18:56 i
My new apartment. It's really amazing. On the 16th floor, an amazing view, brand new everything and windows from the floor and up!
Everything is not ready yet, have to buy curtains and some more candles hehe and then I'll show you the place!
Probably going to Ikea tomorrow again and get some inspiration ;)

Publicerad 2012-11-04 23:02:51 i
*Last dinner at the mansion this Friday. Stuffed mushrooms and avocado fries(delicious!)
*Drank wine in the basement and Jonathan passed out on the coach.
*Borrowed a van and drove to IKEA!
*Played around, and got what we needed for our new apartment!!!
*Our apartment filled with boxes followed with beer and pizza (a must when you're working so hard haha)
So when I have everything in order ill give you a real look of how my new place looks like! It's amazing and I'm so happy :).

Publicerad 2012-10-30 21:19:25 i
So Halloween weekend was here. We decided to make our own costumes.. Which was a lot of fun, imagine me on a sewing machine haha, but think I did pretty good. Me and Becky were two flamingos and Rebecca was a fox which she sew from scratch!
Met Felix and Dejan later who looked amazing in their rock n roll wigs.
Jonathan's the one driving the car with his Romney mask x).

Publicerad 2012-10-21 16:01:54 i
So much is going on over here. We are going on many events, dinners and work all week.
The latest event was Erika's Gallery opening (the mom that we stay at), it was such a nice gallery, all rich people (+me and Becky) so we dressed up and discussed art with important people over glasses if wine and cheese.
Later we went to the Thompson hotel for pre party before goin to a bar with some people, a really good night.