
Christmas spirit

Publicerad 2012-12-16 02:17:18 i

The Christmas decorations are everywhere, especially at the Eaton Centre (Toronto's biggest shopping mall). The mall is packed with people though..! Everyone is running around and the lines were crazy.
Yesterday night me and two friends went to a friends art show. Very nice, but went home earlier cuz of work the next day. Work is going good now, have done a bunch of marketing for the store and we received good response from it so that makes me and the bosses very happy ;).


Postat av: Berger

Publicerad 2012-12-21 09:27:41

Åh vad fin du är och Toronto verkar så vackert! Och nu saknar jag ihjäääl mig efter dig och varför har jag inte fått höra nåt om din jul??!! Börjar få mina misstankar.... Haha. Massa <3

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A girl who loves adventure. Have studied at Hawaii Pacific University, worked in Toronto and travelled a little bit of everywhere. Follow my adventures here.



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