Publicerad 2011-12-16 10:07:36 i Allmänt,
Today was my last class at HPU, I'm done with year here! It's so unreal, can't believe I've been here (in HAWAII) for one year, time has gone by so fast, but I'm filled with joy and ready for next step in my life, though it's kind of scary but "bara tuta & köra" like we say in Sweden ;)
Anyway, Me & Sandra had dinner at RumFire at Sheraton Waikiki with our IBS respresant Patrick. He gave us our diploma both from HPU and IBS!! :D
I'm so proud of myself and gonna frame them when I get home,, whenever that will be hehe ;)
Ihhhh, I'm smiling from top to toe!
Publicerad 2011-12-15 22:47:02 i Allmänt,
Sooooooo sick!!
So Wednesday morning: Communication final exam, think it went good!
In the afternoon it was time to present our Marketing Plan that me & my lovely team-mates have been working on since day one of this semester!! We turned in a 61pages marketing plan & presented it infront of the class & two judges that do this for living (NERVOUS=YES).
BUT DAMN!! It went so GOOOOOOD!! WE WOOOOON!!! And what did we win?: A TWO NIGHT STAY AT ANY CASTLE HOTEL IN HAWAII!!! I'm so proud of myself and my friends, we did such a great job & worked so hard!
Some of the students in our Marketing class & our teacher the Wonderful-Wendy ;)
Sandy&I, very happy after the presentation!
Publicerad 2011-12-13 20:39:39 i Allmänt,
Can't believe its been three years ago I became the Lucia of Falkenberg. I love this holiday, its filled with joy, singing and warmth. This period was one of the happiest in my life!
Me and the girls had so much fun!
December 13th, 2008 <3
Publicerad 2011-12-12 21:18:45 i Allmänt,
Its not always sunshine in Paradise, but almost always ;) Last weekend when we went to the beach God suddenly decided to pee on us.. but we are still smiling, We're in Hawaii ;)
Last Week looked like this on Sandras board, every day was something, and same is this week! Today, Mon - one presentation, Tue - meeting, Wed - Final Exam and Presentation, Thurs - Presentation and paper due, and FRIDAY I'M DONE WITH SCHOOOOOL!!!!
Publicerad 2011-12-11 20:54:18 i Allmänt,
OMG today is the third advent!
Anyways, me, AnnaB, Sandra and Mathilda had a lovely evening with some christmas feelin, we baked cookies, listened to christmas songs and then watched a movie :)
Frosting in different colors :D
The result, huh, not that bad, right? ;)
I did myself in an Hawaiian style ;)
Publicerad 2011-12-09 21:13:08 i Allmänt,
This Wednesday I volunteered with HPU for the annualy Honolulu Marathon at the Convention Center. It was so much fun, and the convention was so nice. Have only passing by and seen the outide before, but the view from the inside was amazing.
In our booth, we asked people to sign different surveys to help our graduates to answer toursim questions like: Is this your first time in HI? How many months ahead did you plan your trip? Would you recommend it to others?
I met people from all around the world(ex. Japan, Norway, Netherlands, Australia, Germany, England, Canada) both that were participating in the marathon and people who was their to support.
I had such a great time! Hope Im not in school next week when they're running the Marathon!
World's largest Aloha Shirt, 400XL!
The view from the Convention
Our booth, handed out candy, key-chains and stickers
HPU's best teacher, Dr.Agrusa!
The gang, hang loose!
Publicerad 2011-12-09 01:52:09 i Allmänt,
Publicerad 2011-12-06 21:03:11 i Allmänt,
Had some BBQ at Julia's place, always nice being in her house. It's so quiet and surronded by mountains, a big garden, and great people. :)
Publicerad 2011-12-05 21:22:51 i Allmänt,
Hehe, on our way out this friday we felt for some goofy time infront of the webcam while preparty'in, here are two photos from like a hundred x)
Haha my little alien in the middle ;D
Publicerad 2011-12-05 08:48:55 i Allmänt,
I got a package again and this time I was allowed to open it! And wow, tears of joy and tears of how much I miss my family were running down my cheeks! Inside there was a book, a christmas photo, a ring, a card/calender and the best A GARLIC! HAHA, you guys are amazing! Love you so much!
I have the best family! <3
Publicerad 2011-12-03 06:56:49 i Allmänt,
Weeiii, I got a huge package from my family today and inside there were two wrapped christmas packages! But, unfortunately I'm not allowed to open them until Christmas eve when I'm in SF, BUT you're not allowed to bring wrapped packages on board so I have to open them before... :) hihih
Haha, studymode in Anna's apartment. Christmas is coming up soon!!
Publicerad 2011-12-01 10:05:01 i Allmänt,
Me and Anna had a luxurious dinner at the BLT steak at the Trump Tower :) It was so good and so was the service.
Sometimrs it's okay to be luxurious, this day was one of them :)
Publicerad 2011-11-30 19:57:16 i Allmänt,
Jag kunde inte låta bli att köpa en för-tidig julklapp till mig själv. Älskar detta armband som jag plocka ihop från Nordstrom, a little bit of America and Hawaii, perfect!
Publicerad 2011-11-30 00:30:56 i Allmänt,
It was PartyTime this Friday and we went All In! We had the preparty at our place and then we all went to Senior Frogs, danced a lot!
When we got home around 5ish, Sandra & Chris had made us some fyllekäk which was perfect!
Publicerad 2011-11-27 04:04:12 i Allmänt,
Happy Thanksgiving! My first Thanksgiving and it was amazing. What an incredible day: Love, Friends and sooo much Food.
We went to Manoa with 30 other people, gave Thanks and enjoyed eachothers company. The food was so good and so was the desserts!
The dessert-car!! haha so much!
Swedish chocolate balls
It was a day of happiness. Im so thankful for everything and everyone in my life, especially my family, friends, to have the opportunity to travel, study and to be in Hawaii. <3
Publicerad 2011-11-24 23:34:54 i Allmänt,
Publicerad 2011-11-24 06:33:09 i Allmänt,
Began the night with drinks at our place, next stop Barefoot bar where we got our Blue Hawaiians, next stop ABC to buy Smirnoff Ice and then to the Houseparty at Date street. The night ended at Mcdonalds :D Had really fun, even though it rained a lot :(
Publicerad 2011-11-23 07:31:04 i Allmänt,
Don't know what's happening, but can't upload any pictures :(
Anyways, Thanksgiving is on Thursday!! I'm sooo excited, going to Julias place to slice the turkey ;) Also tomorrow I'm going to have my first Skype interview with the people in Canada for my working future over there! Little nervous but really excited about that too! :D
Now I'm searching for tourists spots in San Francisco for me and Anna to see when we go there December 19-27 :D and later Im going to write down the plan for the things we have to see and visit when my sister is coming to Hawaii December the 28th!!! WEHOOOO! It's going to be a sick couple of months!!
Publicerad 2011-11-20 06:25:45 i Allmänt,
Julia picked me & anna up with her car. We drove to Kailua, watched the windsurfers and were drowned in sand x) So we decided to drive to Target for some shopping.
Me & Anna ate Pizza for dinner, are now chillin and we'll see where the night is taken us! ;)
Publicerad 2011-11-19 00:11:28 i Allmänt,