Pictures from the Beaches
Got more pictures from when we were at the beach. Love these photos, such a great day.
edited this picture and gave it some words of wisdom ;)
my Bucky and I, there's never a doll moment with her
Got more pictures from when we were at the beach. Love these photos, such a great day.
edited this picture and gave it some words of wisdom ;)
my Bucky and I, there's never a doll moment with her
Time flies that's for sure. I have to say I really am lucky to have the opportunity to live here in a different country, amazing friends, apartment, job etc, just hope everything goes the way I want to.
Been eating lots, drinking different Canadians drinks and beer, watched hockey.. Yeah puh been busy.
Here are some random photos from a couple days ago.
Sightseeing Toronto.
Went up the CN Tower, a lot of walking around and went to the beer brewery.
But the last couple of days it's been so cold here that we have walked for like 10min and then gone inside to warm up our hands and feet!
What a wonderful and cold day, brrrr!
Started up w brunch at a place called school, had blueberry pancakes w whoop cream and syrup.
Drove to the Toronto beaches in the east, so pretty!
Later that night we baked the the last of our gingerbread haha and watched a movie
Love blue mountain. Everyone was so friendly and the mountains where good. Hope I'll go there soon again since its so close to Toronto.
Finally got to ski!!
Went to blue mountain in north Ontario for 3 days. Had such a great time, didn't fell at all and felt so good to be back on my skis. The weather was amazing. Not to crowded either which made it possible to ski even more w no lines for the lifts.
We decided to through a party. Invited our 15 closes friends and had such a nice time! The tequila gun came out and yeah look for yourself on the pics how it looked like haha.
Okay, dags att berätta hur situationen ligger här borta för mig i Kanada. Lättare att ta det på svenska denna gång.
Jag är här på ett Work&Holiday visa, vilket betyder att jag kan jobba här i ett år(vilket jag nu har gjort, crazy). I allafall, jag vill stanna och har de mest underbara chefer man kan ha. I mitt case är det svårt att få ett Work permit vilket jag behöver för att stanna. Så mina chefer har anlitat en advokat för mig och processen är nu igång, jag vet ingenting hur allt detta kommer sluta. Under processens tid så får jag inte jobba eftersom mitt nuvarande visum inte längre är godkänt. Som tur är får jag svenskt besök på fredag och vi ska upp till Montreal och åka skidor! Så får se detta som en lång semester :).
I slutändan så kan det sluta med att jag får visumet i handen och kan skriva på ett kontrakt under ett år här borta, eller kan det sluta med att jag blir deported från Kanada och måste lämna mitt hem och jobb här. Så allt jag kan göra nu är att Hoppas!
Stay positive :)
A couple of days ago 4 people and myself cooked dinner for 15 people at a going away party. It was fish and chicken tacos that was served. Met a lot of funny people and had a blast.
Here we go! This year has been amazing, here is this year in photos:
Started the year w vacation in Hwaii with my Sis and Anna <3
Went home to Sweden for the summer?
My sister graduated <3
Midsummer and camping w family
Took the train to Sthlm to my Anna and Rondellhundsfabriken<3
Bellas birthday!
Many great nights w amazing people.
Photoshoot at the beach w Fia and Carro
Hard work work
Went spa w sis<3
Skrea Strand
Party party
Went to malmo w the girls :)
Flue back to San Francisco w Anna<3
Moved back to Toronto
Moved in w Becky in our apartment!!
Thank you for a great year! Hope that 2013 will be as good!
This New Years I was actually working. An event hired us to be their catering. So it was me and my bosses and 200 people. The event was a midnight run, so when the clock strike 00:00 the people started their run (5km) and then finished at our store w food and drinks. I had a nice night and toasted in the new year w my bosses.
Happy New year everyone!
A girl who loves adventure. Have studied at Hawaii Pacific University, worked in Toronto and travelled a little bit of everywhere. Follow my adventures here.