Publicerad 2012-02-27 03:18:13 i Toronto, Canada,
Good morning Toronto. Took these pictures this morning :), absolutely gorgeous.
Now I'm eating dinner and watching the Oscars on tv! Very interesting and exciting, all the actresses look so amazing, especially J.Lo, Penelope Cruz and Angelina Jolie :D

Publicerad 2012-02-25 04:23:56 i Toronto, Canada,
Got my birthday present from grandpa and grandma. Two cd's filled with random filming from my childhood!! As soon as I started watching tears went down my cheek, but they were filled with Love, Joy, Memories and the fact that I miss you so much <3
I was laughing a lot too, there was the school play I did in kindergarten, haha so embarrassing!
Thanks again F&F! ;)
Canada is treating me well, my job is going really good now, my boss wants to give me as much time as I want to and I get to decide my own schedule ;)

Publicerad 2012-02-24 03:08:35 i Toronto, Canada,
My first check in my life, and it's a Canadian one!
But can't believe they actually do checks here, so old fashioned, but just as long I get my money I'm happy!
Working almost everyday now, was suppose to be off tomorrow but Becky didn't feel well so work tomorrow too!

Publicerad 2012-02-21 04:00:35 i Toronto, Canada,
Today was it a holiday in Canada, the Family Day. Wish we could have one day like this in swe..
So this day I've been thinking about my family, love you & miss you so much!

Publicerad 2012-02-18 04:29:02 i Toronto, Canada,
Today was my day off from work, so I've been running errands and believe it or not, cleaned my room and did my laundry!
My boss called me today too and told me that he has given me a raise! Yey! So no trainer salary anymore ;)
This weekend its all about work.
Talk to ya soon! Love

Publicerad 2012-02-17 06:59:00 i Toronto, Canada,
I have now transferred to the new location of my work. It's really nice and I like it there :) everything is so new and everyone is new so we all teach each other and on Saturday I'm gonna train a new girl on my patch :). On
Monday I'll get the schedule for my upcoming weeks :)
Haha the last picture is the recite of one of today's order: 18 hot chocolates!!! Haha

Publicerad 2012-02-14 14:59:00 i Toronto, Canada,
Blog is back on!
So here are some of my presents! :D So happy for them!
from la familja <3
from A.Sandell <3
Publicerad 2012-02-14 05:22:17 i Toronto, Canada,
Had a wonderful birthday! Better than I thought it would be :). Skyped with my family and talked with A.Sandell in the phone while opening my presents (will show you them tomorrow) and I also did something crazy... I'll tell you about that to tomorrow ;)))
Had birthday dinner with Becky in Little Italy at a cozy restaurant.
Something is really wrong with my blog, when I'm uploading from my phone you can't comment even if the comment field is On :( and now I can't upload photos from my computer :( so I'm gonna try to fix it!
Thanks for all gratulations today, love you all! <3
Here we have Fia & Bella singing happy birthday to me ;) Hihi.
And me with a birthday cake with a candle, I made my wish and hope it will come true :D

Publicerad 2012-02-13 16:09:15 i Toronto, Canada,
Yahopp, now I'm 21 years old. Time really goes by fast!
But I'm so happy with my year as 20! I moved to Hawaii, had an amazing summer in fbg, then moved back to Hawaii, finished my one year at Hawaii pacific university, celebrated Christmas in San Francisco, Fia came to Hawaii to celebrate new years and I moved to Toronto, got a job and an apartment.. Hm, think that's all 😉😃

Publicerad 2012-02-13 03:41:28 i Toronto, Canada,
Got a taste of Sweden today. Took the bus and subway to IKEA, walked around and got inspired by the Swedish furniture design. Couldn't leave without having the meatballs and mashed potatoes of course😉
Perfect last day as 20 years old!" class="image">

Publicerad 2012-02-11 16:01:23 i Toronto, Canada,
Yesterday was my first time at a Japanese Restaurant. Went with my co-workers and had a really good time. We all ordered a lot of different dishes and shared everything, so tasted a lot of weird(ex.clams) but good stuff.
Thumbs up for Japanese Food! :D
For dessert we had Apple Cinnamon springrolls with vanilla ice cream, yummi!
Publicerad 2012-02-10 00:01:53 i Toronto, Canada,
Feel so good that the drinking age is 19 here, I'm not a child here and don't have to worry about getting in or not be able to order from the bar. But in less than a week I'll be 21 and then I can drink whenever and wherever I'm in the world, especially in the U.S!!!
Watch out Vegas!
For a week ago or so, I had a dinner with some Turkish friends and ordered quesadillas and beer. Very nice!
Publicerad 2012-02-09 03:40:02 i Toronto, Canada,
Yesterday me and Becky rented a car and drove to the famous Niagara Falls!
And it was so cool and so powerful! It was a little foggy and cold but I'm so glad that I've seen it, I'm definately going back there in the spring! We walked around and looked at all the funny attractions and stores that are filled with people during the summer but dead in the winter haha.
Becky insisted me to get rock candy so got one with Blue Raspberry flavour, it was really good and as I thought my tongue turned all blue.
Publicerad 2012-02-06 17:06:38 i Toronto, Canada,
So the biggest football game of the year was finally here and people celebrate it like crazy.
I was invited to Becky's house for a pot luck party and brought desserts, chips and beer (since I can't cook).
I had so much fun, the food was amazing and met some really nice people! The game was on in the background (Congratz Giants), Madonnas performance was a little bit over the top but I guess that's Madonna ;)
on the bus with my party pack
the girls grabbing the food
food and the game
Publicerad 2012-02-05 03:15:32 i Toronto, Canada,
SO thought I got the weekend off but my boss called and asked if I could work at least one of the days, but I said both days and he got happy so worked today from 7-3pm and the same tomorrow.
Tomorrow am I invited to a put lock Super bowl party at a friends house, gonna be interesting and really fun!
Got my first mail today which was a birthday present from my lovely family!
February the 13th, we'll see what's in it :)
Publicerad 2012-02-03 02:58:39 i Toronto, Canada,
have more photos on my phone that are coming up soon, but for now these pictures will do ;)
Forgot to mention: I have started to work now!
Really like the job, feel's like a mini Stålbom's ;) Gonna show you pictures and tell you more about it later. Tomorrow's my third day there & then I'm off until Wednesday :).
Now it's time for bed, alarm is set for 4.30am tomorrow.. puh, good I have dad that keeps an "eye" on me & texts me in the morning ;)
cozy toronto <3